Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Excel Percentage Formula


 There are no specific functions for calculating percentages.
 You have to use the skills you were taught in your maths class at school!
Finding a percentage of a value


Example 1
A company is about to give its staff a pay rise.

The wages department need to calculate the increases.

Staff on different grades get different pay rises.

Finding a percentage increase 

Example 2

A company is about to give its staff a pay rise.

The wages department need to calculate the new salary including the % increase.

Staff on different grades get different pay rises.

Finding one value as percentage of another

You will need to format the result as % by using the % button

on the toolbar.
Example 3

An manager has been asked to submit budget requirements for next year.

The manger needs to specify what will be required each quarter.

The manager knows what has been spent by each region in the previous year.

By analysing the past years spending, the manager hopes to predict

what will need to be spent in the next year.

Finding an original value after an increase has been applied

Example 4

An employ has to submit an expenses claim for travelling and accommodation.

The claim needs to show the VAT tax portion of each receipt.

Unfortunately the receipts held by the employee only show the total amount.

The employee needs to split this total to show the original value and the VAT amount.

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