Monday, July 18, 2011

Excel Dmax function


What Does It Do ?
This function examines a list of information and produces the largest value from a specified column.


The DatabaseRange is the entire list of information you need to examine, including the field names at the top of the columns.

The FieldName is the name or cell, of the values to pick the Max from, such as "Value Of Stock" or I3.

The CriteriaRange is made up of two types of information.

The first set of information is the name, or names, of the Fields(s) to be used as the basis for selecting the records, such as the category Brand or Wattage.
The second set of information is the actual record, or records, which are to be selected, such as Horizon as a brand name, or 100 as the wattage.

No special formatting is needed.


The largest Value Of Stock of a particular Product of a particular Brand.

Friday, July 8, 2011

How to convert MS Excel to PDF or XPS ? & MS WORD to PDF or XPS

Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS

There are many situations where it is useful to save your file in a fixed-layout format that is easy to share and print and hard to modify. Examples of these situations include resumes, legal documents, newsletters, and any other file that is intended to be primarily read and printed. The 2007 Microsoft Office system offers a free add-in to save or export this type of file, but you must first install the add-in before you can use it. Other third-party products may also be available to export a Microsoft Office file into a fixed-layout document.

By using an add-in, you can save or export a file from your Microsoft Office program into the following formats:

Portable Document Format (PDF) PDF is a fixed-layout electronic file format that preserves document formatting and enables file sharing. The PDF format ensures that when the file is viewed online or printed, it retains exactly the format that you intended, and that data in the file cannot be easily changed. The PDF format is also useful for documents that will be reproduced by using commercial printing methods.

XML Paper Specification (XPS XPS is a fixed-layout electronic file format that preserves document formatting and enables file sharing. The XPS format ensures that when the file is viewed online or printed, it retains exactly the format that you intended, and that data in the file cannot be easily changed

It also allows you to send as e-mail attachment in the PDF and XPS formats in a subset of these programs

Refer link:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Use Excel's SUMPRODUCT To Summarize Worksheet Data


What Does It Do ?

This function uses at least two columns of values. The values in the first column are multipled with the corresponding value in the second column. The total of all the values is the result of the calculation.


=SUMPRODUCT(Range1, Range, Range3 through to Range30)

No special formatting is needed.


The following table was used by a drinks merchant to keep track of stock.
The merchant needed to know the total purchase value of the stock, and the potential value of the stock when it is sold, takinging into account the markup percentage.

The =SUMPRODUCT() function in Excel is used to multiply the Cases In Stock with the Case Price to calculate what the merchant spent in buying the stock.

The =SUMPRODUCT() function in Excel is used to multiply the Cases In Stock with the Bottles In Case and the Bottle Setting Price, to calculate the potential value of the stock if it is all sold.

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